

Frequently Asked Questions

Admissions :

What are Admission Requirements?

  • How do I register?

    Registration steps:

    1. Go to the Registration page.
    2. Complete the online registration.
    3. Upload required documents.
    4. Pay the one-time application fee. Please note that the fee is non-refundable.
    5. The Registrar’s Office will process your application. If they require any further information, they may contact you. This process may take 3-5 business days.
    6. Once your application is fully processed, the Registrar’s Office will send you a contract. The contract includes all the details of your program. Check the contract carefully. Notify the college by email or phone if there are any errors in your contract. Sign the contract after you have read it carefully.
    7. Once the Registrar’s office receives your signed contract, the Registrar will sign it. You will receive a copy of the completed document.
    8. You will then be asked to make a payment for your course.
    9. Once payment is made and received, you are ready to begin your course.

    Wishing you all the best as you embark on your new career path!

  • What are the admission requirements?
  • Do I have to meet all the admission requirements?

    Yes. Neither the institution nor the student can waive the requirements.

  • What do I do if I am having problems registering?

    When registering, use a desktop or laptop. If you are still having problems with the online format, contact the college and you will be sent a paper copy that can be submitted by email with all required documentation.

  • Are the listed textbooks included in the price and provided or do we buy them elsewhere? If so, where?

    You can purchase textbooks from a variety of sites and locations. We encourage students to purchase e-textbooks as they are more affordable and come to your email within minutes.聽 Here is a list of sites some students have found useful:

    • vitalsource.com
    • Gettextbooks.ca
    • Textbooks.com
    • Cheggbooks.com
  • Are you accredited?

    91黑料专区 College of British Columbia (CCBC) is a fully accredited, designated college. Please check the 聽 of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training website.聽The certification number for 91黑料专区 College of British Columbia is 04288.

    91黑料专区 College of British Columbia is also a Designated Learning Institution certified by the Government of Canada. The DLI number is #042195159782.


  • How is the Education Assistant Program administered?

    The Education Assistant Program is administered through Google Classroom. Please watch the Google Classroom Tutorial to familiarize yourself with this learning management system.
    Click here to view the Google Classroom Tutorial Video

  • Is the programming test based?

    In the courses there are no examinations. The research is quite clear that exams do not provide long term retention or deep understanding of course content. In this program, the instructors use the formative assessment model. Many colleges and universities are moving away from the 鈥渢est鈥. Many educators and experts believe that formative assessment is an integral part of effective teaching and learning. In contrast with most summative assessments (exams and tests), which are deliberately set apart from instruction, formative assessments are integrated into the learning process. For example, a formative-assessment technique could be as simple as an instructor posing a reflection question to a student and then using a rubric to provide feedback.

  • Can I be granted advanced credit for previously completed coursework?

    A Prior Learning Assessment is completed on a case by case basis. The process is applied consistently to all students.

    1. The student submits all necessary documentation.
    2. The Director of Instruction completes a thorough analysis to see if Advanced Credit should be granted.
    3. The student is notified of the result.
    4. The student has the option of accepting the advanced credit or taking the course.

    Click here to learn more about Prior Learning and Advanced Credit at CCBC.

  • I have completed my ECEA course. What is the next step?

    The following 4 documents must be submitted to the ECE Registry:

    1. Detailed course outline (CCBC will send the course outline to the ECE Registry on your behalf)
    2. Official transcript (CCBC will send your transcript to the ECE Registry on your behalf).
    3. Character Reference form

    Your character reference must be someone who:

    • Can speak to your character and has known you for at least 6 months.
    • Can speak to your ability to educate and care for young children.
    • Is not a relative, partner, spouse, or yourself.

    Your Character Reference form must be completed and signed by your reference within 12 months of
    your application document submission.

    • Ask your character reference to mail your completed Character Reference form directly to the ECE Registry.

    4. Application form -Gather your identification documents (ID)

    Submit a copy of one piece of primary ID and one piece of secondary ID.

    • Your ID must be valid and government-issued.
    • ID that is not in English must be professionally translated.
      • A copy of the original ID and the translated copy must be authenticated by the translator
        and submitted directly to the ECE Registry.
    • Do not submit original identity documents (for example, birth certificate or passport).

Practicum :

  • Can we choose our practicum placement, or is it chosen for us?

    Practicums are organized by 91黑料专区 College of British Columbia (CCBC). In consultation with the student, CCBC would tentatively schedule a practicum in a high school or elementary school in the students鈥 preferred area. The student may also make inquires. CCBC would negotiate placements through discussions with a host organization. If a host organization is not available in the student鈥檚 preferred area of residence, the student may be required to accept a practicum elsewhere. Through negotiations, the practicum is set out based on the learning outcomes. Care is taken to ensure that the practicum does not demand knowledge that the student does not yet possess. All coursework must be complete before the beginning of the practicum. As well, a criminal record search and a basic first aid course must be completed before the start of the practicum. Most school districts do not allow practicums in September or June. Our goal would be to have you start the practicum in other months.聽Not to worry, we would work with you to ensure all these pieces are in place.

  • How long is the practicum?

    Education Assistant practicums are scheduled for 180 hours which is approximately two months. During the Practicum, students are expected to work five days a week for about six hours a day. There are no part time practicum. All practicums are unpaid.

  • Where can I do my practicum?

    You can provide the college with your top three preferences of schools. These schools cannot be places where you have family or a history with the staff.

  • When will I find out about my practicum?

    Most districts want the college to contact them up to 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the practicum. By the time they confirm the placement, it can be a few weeks prior to the tentative dates that you will be notified.

  • When are the practicums?

    There are three intakes for practicum. Fall (Sept-Oct/Oct-Nov and Nov-Dec) Winter (Jan-February/February-March) Spring (April-May/May-Jun) Please make the necessary adjustments to be prepared for your 6-week full-time practicum (work, childcare, etc.)

  • What if the district I prefer is not accepting practicum placements?

    The practicum coordinator does their best to place you in your preference, but it is based on the availability of the schools/admin/district. If the district cannot accommodate, you will be placed in an alternative district or independent school setting.

  • What do I need before I begin my practicum?

    All students must complete a successful criminal record check and basic first aid course. Both must be complete prior to beginning your practicum.

  • How will I be prepared for the practicum?

    The practicum coordinator will send you the EA Practicum Handbook and other resources and documents you will need prior to the start of your practicum.

  • What if I am already working as an EA at a school?

    You can complete the work experience Prior Learning Assessment to gain advanced standing for the practicum portion of the course. Ensure you inform the college of this to complete the necessary documents and gain approval.
    Important Notes:

    • September is a busy month for many schools and districts and as they are unavailable in the summer, most placements do not get confirmed until mid-September. Practicums usually begin in October. All schools and districts have different policies and procedures; therefore, it is important to be patient and understanding based on their needs regarding education assistant practicum placements.
    • Do not contact schools and districts on your own as most districts communicate with the program coordinators.

    Click here to learn more about Prior Learning and Advanced Credit at CCBC.